by Aimee Jo Milendres | Jul 14, 2023 | All News, Company News, Dorigo In the News
Seen in We’re committed to delivering outstanding value and service to our customers. The adoption of CalcuQuote at Dorigo Systems is a proactive step to optimize our quoting process. The integration allows our team to respond faster to customer inquiries,...
by Aimee Jo Milendres | Jun 5, 2020 | All News, Events
Alex Chassels, Dorigo’s VP Operations, participated in a panel discussion covering “Manufacturing post-COVID-19: Ramping up again” presented by Canadian Manufacturing, EP&T and Plant magazines. Alex gave a ‘boots on the ground’ perspective of what it...
by Aimee Jo Milendres | Sep 25, 2019 | Case Studies
Stefan Farkas, General Manager of Photon Control, shares what it takes to be a world leader in manufacturing the highest quality optical, temperature, pressure and position sensing solutions to meet the needs of worldwide clients. Stefan Farkas, General Manager of...